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Shop Header Styles
Peak Shop comes with various different shop & product category category header styles to make your site unique.

- Display Product Category description
- Display Sub-Category links
- Set backgrounds & colors and choose between different layouts.
Product Listing Styles
Peak Shops comes with 3 unique layouts and 4 different “Add to Cart” placements and styles. You can toggle Product Category, Rating, Product Excerpt

Filter & Sidebar Styles
Choose from Regular, Off-Screen, or Hidden filter options.

Quantity Styles
We have included different quantity styles for different style online shops.

Product Spacing
Adjust product spacing as needed to fit more products or to add more breathing space if you have a low number of products.

Shop Pagination Styles
Different pagination options allows you to change your shop experience as needed.

Product Badge Styles
Different product niches require different styles and our badge styles reflect that.

Live Search
Customers should not waste time searching for products and Live Search displays the most relevant results.
Product Layouts & Options
Peak Shops comes with 3 unique layouts and sidebar options. You can choose between 4 different tab styles including an accordion style.

Product Tab Styles
Peak Shops has 4 different tab styles depending on different product page needs.

Product Tab Position
You might want to change Product Tab Position if you have a larger product description or different number of tabs.

Product Sidebars
Display your product sidebar on the left or the right or just hide it altogether!

Product Swatches
Peak Shops comes with built-in support for WooCommerce swatches, utilizing the core WooCommerce functions.

WPML Multilanguage & Multicurrency
You have nothing to worry about if you are running an International Online Shop. Peak Shops have you covered.

Product Thumbnail Layouts
Change the position of your product thumbnails easily. This way you can adjust your product image size accordingly.

Catalog Mode
Not selling right away? Enable Catalog Mode and showcase your products.

Product Video
With built-in video support, you can attach videos to your products.

Add to Cart Button Styles
4 different Add to Cart buttons, all with different color options.